Excerpt from my journal:9th December 1989 It is 5.00 in the morning and I can’t sleep. I should be grabbing what sleep I can because I’m going to need all my energy today but I am beside myself! This afternoon and evening, as understudy, I am taking over from Kate Normington who is ill, and
I have been given this magical brace which I wear below my right knee to help control my spasticity. After my fall, I didn’t wear shoes for a while. Then when I began wearing takkies, I was unable to tie the laces because of my spastic right hand. So Mums used to do them up
‘Spring iz sprung, da grass iz riz, I wonder where dem boidies iz? Da little boids is on da wing. Ain’t dat absoid? Da little wings iz on da boid.’ The American poet, Ogden Nash, gets the blame for this wonderful poem about spring.Spring! September 1st marked the beginning of spring. I sleep with my
Thirty years since I had my 18 metre fall from the State Theatre stage during a performance of Camelot. When I left the hospital, the specialist advised my parents to put me into an institution and forget about me. I would never be able to do anything other than lie on my back staring mindlessly
As a child, I was able to buy two Chappies bubble gum for one cent! I remember walking into our sweet shop, with my birthday money clutched in my hand. I was going to spend ten cents and get myself twenty Chappies. I loved Chappies. I had learned how to blow enormous bubbles. As I
I adore coffee! I was sitting in my favourite coffee shop, Ground Control in George drinking a superb cafe latte, and talking to two incredibly interesting women, Di and Tegan Phillips. Tegan was telling me about the triathlon that she had recently completed around New Zealand. This adventure raised money to fund bicycles for school
Code: a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for the purposes of secrecy. It is strange how codes have played a part throughout my life. I think back to my childhood gang and I smile in remembrance. T rest ugs!!! Bggt js yehrmdio!!! (Translation: I have a news!!! Meet
I am on my second round of Botox injections! No, I don’t now have full, rounded Julia Roberts-like luscious lips. There are actually no changes to my face. I am using Botox as it is meant to be used – medically! When I stand in front of a mirror, I look okay. Nothing special. Nothing
Recently I received the following letter: Dear Gaynor I am a friend of the director, Janice Honeyman and Denise Goldin. I am a professional actress, born in Cape Town but now living in California. The way I came to know of you is this: I was in Cape Town staying with Janice. I am working
Since my accident and resulting brain damage, there are certain Blips! that occur in my life. I was staying with my sister, Liz. Every afternoon I go for my afternoon nap. I was feeling pretty gruck that afternoon with flu and was stuffed full of paracetamol. Strangely enough I couldn’t sleep, so I was lying