You can’t speed up or slow down time. It just carries moving regardless, relentlessly pressing on…and on…and on…
I have just spent a blissful night with the beautiful Cassie Bassett nee Holliday and her lovely family. I recall performing in a show with Cassie’s Mum, Shelagh Holliday. One Sunday the cast was invited around to Shelagh’s house for a beautiful lunch. It was there that I met Cassie. She was in her final year of school. What totally captivated me about Cass that day was that

she was trundling around their massive garden in this small red car. We were eating outside. Cass would drive to us all under the trees in the car. “Mum has sent out these snacks for all of you. She’s just adding some broad beans to the salad.” She would pass us this delicious array of treats and then she and the little red car would trundle off back to the house once more.
I am so glad I remember that first meeting.

Roseanne, Cassie’s eldest daughter is now sixteen. A year younger than Cassie was when first we met! How can time move so fast? TICK…TOCK…TICK…
I remember as a child going to bed the night before my birthday, a bundle of excitement. I could not wait for my birthday morning to arrive! The whole family would come into my bedroom, singing Happy Birthday, carrying a mass of presents. Why did that night simply rolled ponderously on and on? Why did it take such a long time? I would switch on my light and glare at my watch which revealed that only twenty-two minutes had passed since the last time I had looked at that dratted dial. Why did time move so SLOWLY?
After my accident, I would get so frustrated at the slowness of time. I would battle with my therapy, day after day. I would long for time to move on. I wanted my face to return back to normal. I wanted to be able to walk better. I wanted more control over my spasticity. I didn’t like being where I was. I wanted time to move on. And quickly!
TICK…TOCK…TICK… I remember when my Mother turning fifty, thinking to myself: ‘Whew, fifty is soooo old.’ In July I turn fifty-three. How dare time move so fast! Why is it that the older one gets the faster time seems to vanish? It disappears down a long, deep hole and try as you might, you can never stop it going. You can never get it back. I get so furious with the pace of time. I see people getting older. I know that soon they will leave this earth. I don’t like that. I don’t want people I love to disappear from my life. I want everyone to remain in their place. I now want my world to stand still. But in this Life of ours change is inevitable! Time moves on.
I believe that the only thing to do is to live each day fully. To smile more and make others smile. To be aware of and make the most of all of our senses. To greet each day with an openness and optimism. After all, it is through time passing that wondrous things can occur. An ugly, hairy caterpillar can be transformed into a light, incandescent butterfly!
Gosh Gaynor, you are so right, time does fly – tick… tock… xxx
When I was young, it seemed an eternity until a birthday, holiday or Christmas arrived – now time flies too fast. I too wondered why older people felt time passed by too quickly, but soon realised that as one gets older it takes so much longer to complete things so it seems times disappears.
My father is 98 and fortunately living in a wonderful Frailcare where the staff are really tops. He is becomming so forgetful now and each time I talk to him on the phone (we live in George and he is in Durban) his age differs – going up in leaps and bounds. In the last month he has told me he is 100 years old, then it was 103 and today he told me he is 107years old! Obviously the older one gets the faster time flies.
We are only given 24 hours in a day and need to spend that time wisely, as we can recover ‘lost’ time. Time is a precious gift.
Continue to enjoy your holiday making memories.
Love to you.
Gaynor, you have always been an inspiration to me! Love your blog. Tick tock, tick tock, indeed!
BIG smile – I love you loving it, Caroline! Thank you!
With a smile I kiss your eyes
My Dear Gaynor.
You are the most perfect example of spreading smiles and joy to all those around you.
You touch our hearts so completely and we always feel the richer for seeing you or reading your blog.
Thank you for showing us the way to win and overcome problems.
To really find joy in the value of life….Our loved ones and simple miracles.
i heard a quote recently that jerked me back to reality.
” Worrying, is praying for things you don’t want”
So no more worries from me. Just shear joy and contentment.
God Bless.
I feel quite inadequate at replying to such an incredible response to my blog, Sandra. Thank you so much for the love that always pours out of you.
Very gently I kiss your eyes
I am loving my holiday, Caroline, but it is flying past….TICK TOCK TICK!
See you soon.
With a laugh I kiss your eyes
I could never understand when older people said time goes faster as you get older, just didn’t make sense, still the same amount of hours in the day, I now know what they were talking about.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Lots love
Hi Gaynor
Thank you for this lovely memory and thought provoking article
. I remember seeing Sheelagh holliday in many of the farces produced by Hymie Udwin and peformed with Rex Garner and others at the Happiness House Theatre. Sheelagh always looked so stunning and so beautiful. I remember envying those long slim tanned legs.
I have often asked myself “Why can’t certain memories have stayed like that forever?” Sometimes when all the family has been together and there has been the most wonderful atmosphere of joy and of being with those you love the most…you just want that moment to stay forever.” But as you said “Tick tock…” time moves on and takes us with it wherever it thinks we should go.
A BIG BIG HUG from me to you. love to Perdita too. Pats…..
I know the feeling that you describe of wanting time to stand still SO well, Ingride. Time passes bringing sad and happy moments with it. In my mind often I take a “photograph” of a time that I want to stand still. Later on I am able to re-play that photo again and again…….
Softly I kiss your eyes
Interesting Gaynor, how we long for time to move on, yet at other times we don’t want it to move on at all! I agree – live for the moment!
The other evening I was languishing in my huge bath tub, and suddenly thought of my darling 90 year old mum who would so LOVE to lie in a bath tub, instead of sitting in a shower chair in a shower having a carer scrub her down!
It was at this moment when I thought – enjoy this bathing in a bathtub Priscilla – the day will come when it will be but a dream!
Thank you again off your words of wisdom!
Priscilla, it’s often only when things are taken away that we truly realise their worth! Yes, you must enjoy your luxurious baths, and all the other blissful things that we are able to do. I want to continually remind myself to be grateful for life and to truly live.
Wish I could sit down and chat to you!
Softly I kiss your eyes
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