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Celine Dion, watch out!

Three months down the line, what differences has having my second CI made to my life? Let me tell you a story! I used to have a great voice. It was clear, strong and true. (Hmmmm, okay, so modesty might not be one of my strong points, but with brain damage, one always tends to

Isiah 40!

“Those that wait upon The Lord shall rise up like Eagles.” Isiah 40 When I had my accident I was deafened by my fall. I had no hearing whatsoever in my left ear and two percent hearing left in my right. I was, to put it bluntly, deaf! I had a lot wrong with me

Writer Published on March 30, 2013
Hello World!

This is my first post. Yep, now I am officially a blogger!!! So why, you may be thinking, has Gaynor suddenly decided to blog. Well, this is something  I have  been thinking about for a while. I love writing and I enjoy entertaining and inspiring people. My   imminent second cochlear implant operation has given me

My thoughts…

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