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Writer Published on November 21, 2014
A Fracking Disaster!

“He remembers what the spiritual visionary, Wallace Black Elk, a Lakota said – man’s scratching of the earth causes diseases like cancer. He meant the mining and drilling for coal, gas, oil, uranium. The scratching brings up the things deep in the earth that should have stayed down there.” ― J.J. Brown, Brindle 24 We

‘Oh no! ……………..Disaster!’

You know sometimes things happen that make you realise how important people are in your life! On Tuesday evening, Perdita (my wire haired Dachshund) and I were making our regular walk from my apartment to my Mum’s. It was a beautiful evening and I was humming as I strolled. Perdita strutted along beside me, gleefully

My thoughts…

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