I adore coffee! I was sitting in my favourite coffee shop, Ground Control in George drinking a superb cafe latte, and talking to two incredibly interesting women, Di and Tegan Phillips. Tegan was telling me about the triathlon that she had recently completed around New Zealand. This adventure raised money to fund bicycles for school
I am on holiday! I love being on holiday. GOING on holiday however, is the most unbelievable schlepp! Firstly, the packing! You can’t imagine how difficult it is packing with only one hand? I am naturally a right handed person. But due to my spasticity resulting from my accident my right hand is now useless. My
This story that I am about to tell you is Pre-Cochlear Implant era. Before I was given my “hearing” back! I realised with a shock that I had a large amount of friends in Durban but I didn’t know one single unattached male! All my friends were married or had that “significant other.”
His heart was beating fast. Doem! Doem! Doem! Why did it always feel as if it was beating through his ears, he wondered? Doem! Doem! Doem! At the rate his heart was going you’d think he was terribly nervous. He smiled. He wasn’t nervous. Oh no, he was filled with excited anticipation.
I strolled along the beach one evening. One evening before my accident. The light on the beach will remain etched in my memory. Silvery clear and other worldly. The beach stretched ahead like a long tunnel. Far in the distance was a dark shape which, as I got closer, transformed itself into a small child.