I arrived in Cape Town for the ‘Argus’! No, don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t actually doing it. My sixteen year old nephew, Campbell and my two besties, B and Jans, were participating. My role was to support and cheer them along. The ‘Argus’ or Cape Town Cycle Tour as it is now called, covers
“Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I have hope for the human race.” H.G. Wells The riders crested the hill and drew to a much needed halt. They drew out their water bottles and gulped the moisture greedily. They surveyed the valley beneath them. “This view
You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy a bicycle and that’s pretty close.” Anon “Cycling is addictive. Totally addictive!” B laughed. “I love the added sense of freedom, the scents and the views. You see baboon, duiker, lots of small animals, flowers and trees. When you are up that mountain, you feel so…well, you