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A Survivor’s Christmas!

When I drew aside my curtains and looked out on the first day of the New Year, I had no idea that 2020 would prove to be such a difficult one.It has been a year, more about survival than living. Survive I have. Within that survival I discovered laughter, delight, excitement and most important of

Joy to the World!

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house….upstairs we cousins were very much awake. Even the caged mouse was behaving as if it was morning. He was zooming round on his wheel, faster and faster and faster. Tomorrow was Christmas!!!!! “I’m going to stay awake until Father Christmas comes and ask him for

Writer Published on December 20, 2018
Christmas Treasures!

We come to the end of another year and the approach of a new one. Why is it that as I get older, time seems to move faster and faster? When I was young, a week seemed to take positively eons. Now the months seem to whisk by. It was just yesterday that we welcomed

The Christmas Tree!

We cousins were locked upstairs! The gate leading downstairs had been closed, preventing us from entering the lounge. Instead we gazed longingly at the shut door. We all knew what lay behind it. “I heard Father Christmas’s sleigh bells last night,” my baby sister, Megan, said excitedly, “and I woke up this morning and there

Peace, Love & Joy???

I love this carol. Strangely enough, I am tremendously stirred to hear it sung by a single voice. It somehow makes me truly listen to the words. The words of carols are about peace, love and joy. Every Christmas, year after year, they are sung in different countries, in different languages. And yet how much

And now…….

I love this time of year. Family, Christmas carols and most importantly, the celebration of the birth of Christ! May this time be joyous for all of you in so many ways. I pray that it is filled with open hearts and is brimming with love. It also means its holiday time for me. I

Twas the night before Christmas………

      What were your childhood Christmases like?        I’m so lucky. For me, Christmas was the most magical, enchanting time.        We spent every Christmas with my Mum’s sister’s family – the Nel’s. There were four daughters in their family, Anne, Margaret, Karen and Judith, plus Liz, Megan and

My thoughts…

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