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Hampstead Happiness!

Giddily, my laughing head tilted back, my arms were thrown upwards as I gave a Gaynor-twirl. Gaynor-twirls are not always successful. Often instead of going in a perfect round spin, my body teeters, leaning Tower of Pisa like, and then plummets to end up in a most undignified heap. This time however, my body did

The Book Tree!

I remember reading my first book at the age of five. I sat on Mums’ lap while she pointed at the different words. I am Janet. I am John. This is our dog, Rover. Run, Rover, run! There are so many things that you forget in life. Isn’t it strange how I remember not only

Books, books, glorious books!

      You might think blogging is simply a matter of writing good articles.       Oh no, believe you me, there is more to it than that. One needs to “market” one’s blog, otherwise how else do people know it exists? So to do this, I began an ‘ear ‘ear Facebook Page and

My thoughts…

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