B and John are Swallows. In other words, they spend six months here in South Africa and six months in England. I have one more week with them before they leave for England once more. I am dreading their departure. B is my Soulmate. How am I to function without her?!
The other thing that I am going to miss badly is their magical garden. I want to saturate myself in it so that the memory remains crystal clear. Let me tell you about it.
When one looks out at it one sees forests, mountains and sky! Their garden doesn’t have a fence so I’m unsure where it actually ends and the rest of the world comes in! One goes down their patio steps to be met by a beautiful green lawn that goes down to this tumbling little stream. This stream is overshadowed by reeds. Two months ago it was a hive of activity as the weavers made their nests. The males were in constant motion ducking and diving as they constructed these wonderful, tiny abodes. Then their female love would come and inspect her living quarters and decide that there was no way that she was living in this shoddy apparition! Honestly!!! The male had forgotten to put in such and such and the inside was far too small. Systematically and with total thoroughness, she would tear it to shreds. You could almost see the male take a big gulp and then off he would fly. He would look heartbroken. But not for long. A few moments later he would return and the weaving of a new nest would begin!

John has cut a plank of a Bluegum tree to form a bridge over the stream. This leads to a tiny hillock. There John has placed a bird feeder much to their intense delight. I love watching this entire family of guinea fowl make their way across the bridge. And I mean ENTIRE family. Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles included! Skedadling amongst them is their one child, the smallest, sweetest guinea fowl ever! Once the guinea fowl and birds have fed and left, there is almost a pause in the feeding frenzy. But not quite. A tiny mouse darts out from the nearby foliage, grabs a piece of grain and then…whissssk…he is gone. A few moments later, seeing the coast is still clear, the entire process is repeated. Perdita, my wire haired dachshund, on going across the bridge one morning, smelled the mouse. High, intense excitement followed as she vainly tried to root the mouse out. Since then we place a barrier on the bridge preventing Perdita’s escapades. Highly frustrating for her but the mouse is back!

While having breakfast on the patio one morning we watched a Woodland Kingfisher plunging head first into the water catching his meal. His magical feathered body matched the surrounding kaleidoscope of the day. It was a crystal clear morning where the colours seemed to smash you in the face with their intensity. I took a picture of it all in my mind so that I can re-look at that moment whenever I am needing a bit of colour in my life.
B and John often hold dinner parties outside on their patio at night. One watches the sun go down and then it happens. The orchestra of crickets begin! These birds of the night play the most wondrous melodies. The crickets are joined by a chorus of frogs and these two harmonise together. The sound is too wondrous for words! I just rejoice in what this previously deaf person is now able to hear. It is such a rich cacophony of sound. I think back to my “deaf ” days when the joyful sound of the crickets that I now hear would have been this unendurable loud clamouring noise. A noise so horrific it would have prevented me from possibly picking up anything that anyone said at the table. Now it is a different case completely. Now I choose to luxuriate in the sound whilst keeping a gentle appraisal of the goings on at table. I had forgotten the crickets and frogs wonderful orchestrations. In B and John’s garden the orchestra plays. Like my birds of the daylight, these “birds” of the night sing a song that is equally unforgettable to me.
Yes, I will miss B and John.
And oh, how I will long for their garden!
Mims, thank you, have seen the link. Will settle down and listen once I have got these answers to my blog completed. I always know that you, Mum, Jane Mason and my sister, Liz, watch out for my blog each Friday. Thank you for that, sweet friend!
Gently I kiss your eyes
Lovely Gaynor,Yes you will miss the Swallows, Rainbow and the Garden. You will have to make do with my birds,Brendan and my garden!! They will miss you too.
Yes, Mum, will have you, the Drongas, Brendan and your beautiful garden! But oohhhhh, I will miss B and John.
But…we have had a blissful time with them, haven’t we?
Can’t wait foryou to come home – miss you!
With a smile I kiss your eyes
Sounds a beautiful garden I would enjoy and to be a world of my own in.
Yes, Liz, indeed you would love it!
Thank you for reading my blog.
With a smile I kiss your eyes
Hi Gaynor, I do soooo love to receive your blog, it always makes me smile and chuckle. Loved this one it is super.
Lots love
Thanks so much, Caroline! I love the fact that you read my blogs regularly. Thank you, Angel!
With a smile I kiss your eyes
How wonderful, dear Gaynor. Poohsticks for little Rainbow !! Have you heard the slowed down music of the crickets ? I will send you the link – they play perfect chords. Thank you, once again for painting with your words, Love Mim xx
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