In 1966 and 67, Mums and Dad lived in England.
“You must have loved going to see the beautiful historical sites, Mums. And all of those art galleries must have been simply amazing.”
Mums said dryly: “Gaynor, I lived in Hertfordshire with three children ranging from a few months to five years old. So, no, my time in England was definitely not spent doing delightful sightseeing tours!”
Each time I am treated to one of my delectable English holidays, I long for Mums to be with me. I know her love of history and anything to do with the Royal family, means that she would enjoy so much.
Last week, I visited glorious Ely Cathedral. Work apparently began on the present building in the early 1080’s. Monks began to build believing that only the best was good enough to offer up to God. Ely Cathedral is magnificent in so many ways! I wish that Mums had been able to experience that masterful creation with me. Instead here are my photographs that I hope will give her and you a taste of the incredible cathedral that I witnessed.
This is Ely Cathedral!
As we entered, this glorious
ceiling looked down on us!



Ely Cathedral, simply awe-inspiring!