A child sitting on steps looking out. I just adore this work of Margi Larlham’s. It was created from a photo of her when she was much younger. It reminds me so much of a photograph I have of Emily, her daughter, taken in 1982. Excepting this is a picture of the child from the
I was sitting at the Rhodes Memorial in Cape Town with B, when suddenly I was tapped. I swung around to be met by a dark mopped stranger with this delicious grin on her face. “Gaynor?” A stranger that knew my name. “I would recognise your voice anywhere!” Obviously B and I, both being deaf,
I cannot join my friends when they go into the woods. I’m unable to walk at the pace they like to walk. Also, just imagine if we met ‘a big bad wolf’, I would be easy pickings as I am unable to run! Recently it was with a carefree heart and a nimble ‘Gaynor step’
Hey, old friend What d’ya say, old friend? Are you okay, old friend?……… Songwriter: Stephen Sondheim Hi there, my sweetest friend! Yes, I know that I am incredibly slack with my letter writing. And that you always understand and take great delight in what I have to say. So, let
I stared at The Displaced Ibis in awe. One of the Ten Commandments is: “Do not covet.” I looked at my friends new painting and I’m very much afraid to admit that I broke that commandment. I coveted. Oh, how I coveted! It was a painting of an Hadeda Ibis. It is standing on an
I am not a minimalist! Like my mother, I could be described as a maximalist in extreme! Mums lives in a big house, where her possessions shimmer in their place, often causing you to gasp in pleasure. I, on the other hand, live in this delightful but super-small apartment. Within this tiny home, I have
I loved my one armed golf but unfortunately my left arm didn’t! I have lost all the cartilage in my left shoulder of the only arm that works. I was told by the specialist to give up golf immediately. I was totally devastated. I skyped my friend, B, in England. I was so utterly
We come to the end of another year and the approach of a new one. Why is it that as I get older, time seems to move faster and faster? When I was young, a week seemed to take positively eons. Now the months seem to whisk by. It was just yesterday that we welcomed
In 1966 and 67, Mums and Dad lived in England. “You must have loved going to see the beautiful historical sites, Mums. And all of those art galleries must have been simply amazing.” Mums said dryly: “Gaynor, I lived in Hertfordshire with three children ranging from a few months to five years old. So, no,
My mother is a Royalist. My gran and aunt were also Royalists Deluxe! Mums has a whole collection of magazines that were passed down to her from gran. There is one showing 1923 – Their Majesties – 1948. Then there is a London News with an illustration of Princess Elizabeth and Philip headed Royal Wedding